This is how to make a much simpler apron then I last posted. I think it is just as cute though! I hope you enjoy it!
1) Cut out your apron body. 33" by 20" Then the tie. 70" by 4 1/2" After that the heart pocket. All I did was fold some fabric in half and draw half a heart then cut it out. Make 2.
2) Hem the apron on every edge but one of the longer ones. The with right sides together stitch around the hearts except for about 3" to turn right side out. Press.
3) Gather the unhemmed side of the apron body and match the centers of the tie and apron body, stitch right sides together.
4) Press ends of apron tie over 1" and then fold in half. Sew along sides.
5) Finally, sew heart pocket to apron body. Top-stitch carefully around the bottom 3/4 of the heart.
That's all there is to it! Please tell me how it turned out in comments.
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