Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How to make a twirly skirt

Hi everybody!!! This is my very first post! I plan to put different sewing projects on my blog as I do them. The first one is a toddler's twirly skirt. Here is how to do it:

Items needed:
Approximately 1 yd of fabric. Preferably calico or cotton but it doesn't really matter
1 spool of coordinating thread
sewing machine

First thing you need to do is measure the person you are making the skirt for. Measure around their waist and measure how long you want it to be. Ex: If you want it to be knee length measure from the waist to their knees, but add about 3" to it for the hem and casing.
Now I made mine for a 4-6 year old and it was a 38"by 15" rectangle.

Okay let's get started!

1) First you need to cut out your skirt. It is simply a rectangle. Now take the waist measurements you did earlier and add 10" to it. That is the width to your skirt. Now take the length measurements (15" recommended) and that is the length.

2) Next you need to cut out the tie. It should be 1.5" by 50" You can always sew two pieces together if your fabric isn't long enough.

3) Now let's sew the tie. Fold all of the edges down about 1/4" then fold in half. Sew straight down to secure it.

4) With your skirt rectangle fold the bottom 1/4" then fold over again 1". Stitch.

5) Do the same thing on the other end for the casing (this is where your elastic goes through)

6) Now sew the side together. Do not sew through the casing.

7) Now using a safety pin pull through elastic and tie. Make sure the tie is facing the right side of the fabric.

8) Now sew over the casing just like you did on step 6

9) Tie the tie in a bow.

1 comment:

  1. Gracie loves this! She just informed me that she wants it, so I can see this an upcoming project around here! :) But knowing her, she'll have it renamed to a 'bea-i-ful pin-cess' skirt! LOL!
